Aminet 24
Aminet 24 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1998].iso
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Assembly Source File
362 lines
TITLE HGCLINE - Fast line drawing routine.
PAGE 55,132
Function: Draw a line in 720x348 Hercules graphics mode
Caller: Microsoft C:
void hgcline(x1, y1, x2, y2, n)
int x1, y1, x2, y2; /* pixel co-ords */
int n; /* pixel value */
; Stack frame addressing - LARGE CODE MODEL
ARGx1 EQU word ptr [bp+6]
ARGy1 EQU word ptr [bp+8]
ARGx2 EQU word ptr [bp+10]
ARGy2 EQU word ptr [bp+12]
ARGn EQU byte ptr [bp+14]
VARleafincr EQU word ptr [bp-6]
VARincr1 EQU word ptr [bp-8]
VARincr2 EQU word ptr [bp-10]
VARroutine EQU word ptr [bp-12]
ByteOffsetShift EQU 3 ; Used to convert pixels to byte offset
EXTRN hgcpaddr:far
PUBLIC _hgcline
_hgcline PROC far
push bp ; Set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
sub sp,12 ; Stack space for local variables
push si
push di
mov si,2000h ; Increment for video buffer interleave
mov di,90-8000h ; Increment for last to first interleave
mov cx,ARGx2
sub cx,ARGx1 ; CX = x2 - x1
jz VertLine ; jump if vertical line
; force x1 < x2
jns L01 ; jump if x2 > x1
neg cx ; CX = x1 - x2
mov bx,ARGx2 ; exchange x1 and x2
xchg bx,ARGx1
mov ARGx2,bx
mov bx,ARGy2 ; exchange y1 and y2
xchg bx,ARGy1
mov ARGy2,bx
; calc dy = abs(y2 - y1)
L01: mov bx,ARGy2
sub bx,ARGy1 ; BX = y2 - y1
;;;;;;;;;;;;;; jz HorizLine
jnz L02
jmp HorizLine ; jump if Horizontal
jns L03
neg bx ; BX = y1 - y2
neg si ; negate increment for buffer interleave
neg di
; select appropriate routine for slope of line
L03: mov VARleafincr,di ; save increment for buffer interleave
mov VARroutine,offset LoSlopeLine
cmp bx,cx
jle L04 ; jump if dy <= dx (slopr <= 1)
mov VARroutine,offset HiSlopeLine
xchg bx,cx ; exchange dy and dx
; calc initial decision variable and increments
L04: shl bx,1 ; BX = 2 * dy
mov VARincr1,bx ; incr1 = 2 * dy
sub bx,cx
mov di,bx ; DI = d = 2*dy - dx
sub bx,cx
mov VARincr2,bx ; incr2 = 2*(dy - dx)
; calc first pixel address
push cx ; preserve the register
mov ax,ARGy1 ; ax = y
mov bx,ARGx1 ; bx = x
call hgcpaddr ; ah = bit mask
; es:bx -> buffer
; CL = # bits to shift left
mov al,ARGn ; AL = unshifted pixel value
shl ax,cl ; AH = bitmask in proper position
; AL = pixel value in proper position
mov dx,ax ; DH = bitmask
; DL = pixel value
not dh ; DH = inverse bitmask
pop cx
inc cx ; CX = # of pixels to draw
jmp VARroutine ; Jump to the appropiate routine for slope
; routine for verticle lines
VertLine: mov ax,ARGy1 ; AX = y1
mov bx,ARGy2 ; BX = y2
mov cx,bx ;
sub cx,ax ; CX = dy
jge L31 ; jump if dy >= 0
neg cx ; Force dy >= 0
mov ax,bx ; AX = y2
L31: inc cx ; CX = # of pixels to draw
mov bx,ARGx1 ; BX = x
push cx
call hgcpaddr ; AH = bit mask
; ES:BX -> video buffer
; CL = # bits to shift left
mov al,ARGn ; AL = pixel value
shl ax,cl ; AH = bit mask in proper position
; AL =pixel value in proper position
not ah ; AH = inverse bit mask
pop cx
; draw the line
test al,al
jz L34 ; jump if pixel value is zero
L32: or es:[bx],al ; set pixel values in buffer
add bx,si ; increment to next portion of interleave
jns L33
add bx,di ; increment to first portion of interleave
L33: loop L32
jmp short L36
L34: and es:[bx],ah ; reset pixel values in buffer
add bx,si ; incremant to next portion of interleave
jns L35
add bx,di ; increment to first portion of interleave
L35: loop L34
L36: jmp Lexit
; routine for horizontal line (slope=0)
HorizLine: mov ax,ARGy1
mov bx,ARGx1
call hgcpaddr ; AH = bit mask
; ES:BX -> video buffer
; CL = # bits to shift left
mov di,bx ; ES:DI -> buffer
mov dh,ah
not dh ; DH = unshifted bit mask for left byte
mov dl,0FFh ; DL = unshifted bit mask for right byte
shl dh,cl ; DH = reverse bit mask for first byte
not dh ; DH = bit mask for first byte
mov cx,ARGx2
and cl,7
xor cl,7 ; CL = # bits to shift left
shl dl,cl ; DL = bit mask for last byte
; determine byte offset of first and last pixel in line
mov ax,ARGx2 ; AX = x2
mov bx,ARGx1 ; BX = x1
mov cl,ByteOffsetShift ; # of bits to shift to convert
; pixels to bytes
shr ax,cl ; AX = byte offset of x2
shr bx,cl ; BX = byte offset of x1
mov cx,ax
sub cx,bx ; CX = (# bytes in line) - 1
; propagate pixel value throughout one byte
mov bx,offset DGROUP:PropagatedPixel
mov al,ARGn ; AL = pixel value
xlat ; AL = propagated pixel value
; set pixels in leftmost byte of line
or dh,dh
js L43 ; jump if byte-aligned (x1 is leftmost
; pixel in byte)
or cx,cx
jnz L42 ; jump if more than one byte in line
and dl,dh ; bit mask for the line
jmp short L44
L42: mov ah,al
and ah,dh ; AH = masked pixel bits
not dh ; DH = reverse bit mask for 1st byte
and es:[di],dh ; zero masked pixels in buffer
or es:[di],ah ; update masked pixels in buffer
inc di
dec cx
; draw remainder of the line
L43: rep stosb ; update all pixels in the line
; set pixels in rightmost byte of line
L44: and al,dl ; AL = masked pixels for last byte
not dl
and es:[di],dl ; zero masked pixels in buffer
or es:[di],al ; update masked pixels in buffer
jmp Lexit
; routine for dy <= dx (slope <= 1) ; ES:BX -> video buffer
; CX = # pixels to draw
; DH = inverse bit mask
; DL = pixel value in proper position
; SI = buffer interleave increment
; DI = decision variable
L10: mov ah,es:[bx] ; AH = byte from video buffer
L11: and ah,dh ; zero pixel value at current bit offset
or ah,dl ; set pixel value in byte
ror dl,1 ; rotate pixel value
ror dh,1 ; rotate bit mask
jnc L14 ; jump if bit make rotated to
; leftmost pixel position
; bit mask not shifted out
or di,di ; test sign of d
jns L12 ; jump if d >= 0
add di,VARincr1 ; d = d + incr1
loop L11
mov es:[bx],ah ; store remaining pixels in buffer
jmp short Lexit
L12: add di,VARincr2 ; d = d + incr2
mov es:[bx],ah ; update buffer
add bx,si ; increment y
jns L13 ; jump if not in last interleave
add bx,VARleafincr ; increment into next interleave
L13: loop L10
jmp short Lexit
; bit mask shifted out
L14: mov es:[bx],ah ; update buffer
inc bx ; BX = offset of next byte
or di,di ; test sign of d
jns L15 ; jump if non-negative
add di,VARincr1 ; d = d + incr1
loop L10
jmp short Lexit
L15: add di,VARincr2 ; d = d + incr2
add bx,si ; increment y
jns L16 ; jump if not in last interleave
add bx,VARleafincr ; increment into next interleave
L16: loop L10 ; loop until all pixels are set
jmp short Lexit
; routine for dy > dx (slope > 1) ; ES:BX -> video buffer
; CX = # pixels to draw
; DH = inverse bit mask
; DL = pixel value in proper position
; SI = buffer interleave increment
; DI = decision variable
L21: and es:[bx],dh ; zero pixel value in video buffer
or es:[bx],dl ; set pixel value in byte
add bx,si ; increment y
jns L22 ; jump if not in last interleave
add bx,VARleafincr ; increment into next interleave
L22: or di,di
jns L23 ; jump if d >= 0
add di,VARincr1 ; d = d + incr1
loop L21
jmp short Lexit
L23: add di,VARincr2 ; d = d + incr2
ror dl,1 ; rotate pixel value
ror dh,1 ; rotate bit mask
cmc ; cf set if bit mask not rotated to
; leftmost pixel position
adc bx,0 ; BX = offset of next byte
loop L21
pop di ; restore registers and return
pop si
mov sp,bp
pop bp
_hgcline ENDP
PropagatedPixel DB 00000000b ;0
DB 11111111b ;1